Thursday, August 28, 2008

Deformed Human Beings

Sometimes reality is much scarier than your imagination could ever be.


  1. Sometimes 2 heads are better than 1, but not this time! Freaky!

  2. HAHAA 2 heads.

    I saw a video of that kid, and the 2nd head has no internal organs but does have a brain (or i should say DID because they killed her by cutting her off the fully developed twin) It cried, moved, smiled.
    The piece of shit arab muslim mudslime mother made NO attempt to even acknowledge the head was alive. When it was cold the small body part she had wasn't covered, when she cried the mother ignored her.
    It's shitty enough to be born an excess 'head' with a piece of torso to be murdered as baggage later, but having to live with absolutely NO human eye or real physical contact ?? I hope the inbred mother whore burns in fucking hell.
