Thursday, August 28, 2008

Iraq War / Dead Kids

Its amazing these pictures never make it on the news. Makes you wonder why?


  1. The same reason they didn't show dead kids on 9/11.

  2. They would have shown them on 911 if they could have, but there's a remarkable lack of bodies if you remember.

    And If I read this first ocmment the, th eposter is implying that 911 has some causal link to the Iraq war, which is doesn't, again if you remember correctly. Th eiraq war was abou WMDs that didn't actually exist.

    The 911 suposed hijackers were also Saudis, but America did not attack Saudi Arabie, but instead Afghanistan, the plans of attack for which, and the personnel, were already i place before 911 all ready to go should an incident like 911 occur to provide the excuse, which fortunately for them it did.

    You have to be a halfwit not to connect these things and see the Zionists behind the screen.

  3. It is unfortunate that war and death are are part of the human condition, as are peace and life.

    Deal with the world as it is. The ugly truth is that humans are brutal by nature. Deal with it.

    America is the most corupt and dangerous country...except for all the others...the truth.

  4. As anonymous, I apparently speak the truth (see above post). But I left out a sentence. It should have read "America is the most corrupt and dangerous country except for all the others that are more dangerous and more corrupt but not including those that are less danger and less corrupt. As a truthspeaker (for which Anonymous is synonymous), it's quite apparent that some nations such as Finland, Switzerland, and New Zealand, among others, are a lot less dangerous and less corrupt than the USA...the truth.

  5. Thank you for having the courage to post these images. Especially poignant to me since this is supposed to be Memorial Day. All the best!
